Sedation Dentistry



Sometimes children are anxious or scared when they have to go through treatment at the dentist’s clinic. If they cannot be calmed down, the dental team might offer sedation as a way to help the young patient during a procedure. To do so, medication is administered to deal with the discomfort and anxiety, as well as make the child more cooperative. The medication used makes the little patient sleepy and relaxed. However, it will not render them unconscious like general anaesthesia does.

Who Is A Candidate For Sedation

Not all kids need to be sedated before going through a procedure. It is normal for your child to be a bit nervous or twitchy while sitting in that dentist’s chair. However, if the anxiety is too much that they are unable to cope, then the parents should consider agreeing to have their kid sedated. Other candidates include young patients who will not understand the dentist’s instructions and those who require a lot of dental work.


How Does It Help

Sedation is necessary to keep young patients comfortable and safe during a dental treatment. When they resist and move uncontrollably, they may get injured. They will also be able to cope with the procedure better, as well as have a more peaceful and better environment while the dentist is working.

Which Medications Will Be Used

There is a list of different medications that may be used for sedation, which are suitable for use with children. The choice of which medicine will be based on various factors like the child’s general state of health, how anxious the child gets, and what is recommended for the dental procedure to be done.

Is It Safe To Sedate My Child 

As with many other pediatric patients who have gone through sedation, it can be quite safe and effective, so long as it is administered by a qualified pediatric dentist based on the guidelines for sedation of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Prior to the procedure, the dentist will sit down with you to discuss the options and how the child will be monitored for his or her own comfort and safety.

What Should I Do Before The Procedure

Children are not born with an innate fear for the dentist’s chair. A lot of times, they absorb or copy the fear and apprehension of their parents, or it may aggravate their anxiety. The key is for the parents to exude calm and confidence so that their kids will be able to get through their dental treatment. Should you have questions, ask your dentist in order to erase your doubts about the sedation.

If your child becomes sick, call the dental practice to check if moving the appointment is better. It is also important to inform the dentist of all medications, whether prescribed, over-the-counter, or even herbal, that your kid is taking. Ask if routine medication has to be taken on the day of the procedure.

Beyond that, your pediatric dentist will hand you some detailed guidelines before the appointment. Make sure that you do exactly what is stated there, especially the part about fasting from food and liquids prior to the procedure.


What Should I Do After the Procedure 

The pediatric dentist will check your child’s health and so long as there are no visible issues, you may take your kid home. However, this might take a while because the effects of sedatives should wear off first. At home, you should keep monitoring your little one until he or she has fully recovered from the sedation. Your dentist will also instruct you on what to do after the procedure, including what the child should eat and what sort of activity is allowed.

Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are metal or plastic appliances that have been custom-made for your kid’s mouth. However, in comparison to orthodontic braces, they look smaller and will not obstruct your child’s chewing or eating. Moreover, it only takes a few days before children get used to them.

The Premature Loss of Baby Teeth 

The first set of teeth are called baby teeth, and they normally remain in the mouth until the permanent tooth erupts and forces it out before taking the now-vacant space. However, there are instances when the baby tooth gets lost before this happens, normally because of an accident or a dental problem. When this happens, the dentist may suggest using a space maintainer for the purpose of preventing future issues like permanent teeth having no space in the mouth. This, in turn, may lead to dental problems in the next years.


Why Not Trust The Natural Process of Tooth Loss 

Even though they fall off after a few years, baby teeth determine your child’s oral health, both now and in the years to come. Their presence is critical to ensure that jawbones and muscles develop normally and that permanent teeth are guided into their right place. This whole process takes time, with the last permanent teeth coming in at the onset of puberty.

What Are The Risks Of Losing Baby Teeth 

When a baby tooth is lost, teeth that are beside it may adjust by tilting or moving to the empty space. It might also take the space that is reserved for the new permanent tooth. Your child will then be a candidate for crooked and crowded teeth which, when this is not addressed, may cost you a lot in terms of orthodontic treatment.

How Does It Work

A space maintainer will keep the empty space where the lost baby tooth used to be. In the process, they keep other teeth in place. Not only is this affordable, but it is also the easiest way for the teeth to grow straight and healthy.

How Do I Care For My Space Maintainer

Space maintainers will remain good so long as these four steps to protect and maintain space maintainers are done. First of all, sticky sweets and chewing gum should be avoided at all times. Second, it is important to not tug or even push the space maintainers with the fingers. Third, make sure you keep the space maintainers clean by brushing and flossing properly. Last, visit the doctor often to check up on your child’s teeth.

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