How We Manage the Oral Health Care of Children With Special Needs

Parenthood is an adventure for anyone. Each child has their own personality, and their own loves and dislikes. When your child has special needs, there are challenges that you might not expect, like finding a suitable dentist. Though dentists are certified specialists in caring for teeth, extra care is needed when you’re working with any special needs person. 

The team at My Kidz Dentist are sensitive and experienced professionals who offer oral care services to children with special needs. We understand that loving any child has its ups and downs, but we are here to make dental care easier and safer for your deserving child.   

How do we define ‘special needs’?

The term, ‘special needs’ refers to a number of conditions that affect development in children. These conditions could be neurological, like autism, or they could be cognitive, like Down syndrome. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry defines ‘special needs’ as physical, emotional, developmental, cognitive, sensory, or mental impairment, as well as those affected by an orofacial disorder or condition. 

Children are generally born with genetic differences that yield these types of conditions, but accidents, particularly head and spinal injuries, can dramatically alter your child’s development. For special needs children, some of the more mundane tasks, even like drinking and bathing can be more challenging than they are for other children. 

How is dentistry different for special needs children?

Children with special needs may have a difficult time being still for long periods of time, or may be triggered by certain sounds, lights, or events around them. Treating your child with the utmost sensitivity for their dental care is our standard at My Kidz Dentist, and we understand the nuances of treating children with special needs

All of our staff go through specialized training to be of as much assistance as possible to our patients who need extra care. This means personalized care for your child, and guidance for you, the parent. We offer sedation dentistry, safe anesthesia techniques, and behaviour management at the dentist. 

Some dental procedures normally go quickly, but working with children with special needs often means slowing down to a pace that makes the child comfortable. Keeping your child safe means keeping them calm and reassured that they’re doing well and that they have your support. 

How do I care for my child’s teeth?

Choosing a whole-grain diet with lean protein that’s low in sugar is the best thing you can do for your child’s teeth, and for their overall health. Your provider at My Kidz Dentist can give you any advice you need to make twice-daily cleanings easy and safe for your child. 

It is important, as with any child, regardless of ability, to make their semi-annual cleanings. Keeping your child’s teeth free of plaque will protect their oral health, as well as their overall health. 

When your child comes in for care at My Kidz Dentist, your child’s health and safety are our main priority. For gentle and empathetic treatment tailored to your child’s needs, call My Kidz Dentist at any of our three locations, or book an appointment with us online.

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